this was beautifully articulated and very much tracks with what I see over and over in my psychotherapy practice. Thank you for sharing 💕

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i’m so glad to hear it!!! i had to work through a bunch of these themes in therapy myself - i’m sure your clients are lucky to have you 🖤

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And who am I kidding? With myself

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I’m sick today, on Substack and drinking coffee trying to hype myself up for a busy work day. But now, maybe I’ll listen to my body and rest a little instead. Maybe. : )

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if you can manage to sneak in some rest i HIGHLY recommend! i just punted my workout and am instead in bed replying to you and sipping coffee bc i needed a chill moment this AM!!! glad i listened to myself

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“I was so petrified of getting “off-course.” I didn’t even know what my destination was…”

This right here smacked me right in the face!

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Ali- this was such a great piece. I love reading and learning about different generations and the stereotypes and collective behaviors of them. Especially those younger than my own. I was so activated reading this in the beginning. It then occurred to me that what you are describing is how I feel my generation( gen X- the best generation- as my husband and I tell our kids 😂) felt about the millennials. My god what a bad rap you all got. The way you described a millennial is not at all how I would. I think that’s so interesting.

I connected with this so much. I too am a doer, and push througher, and a just keep going person. It worked until it didn’t. Thank you for this- going to share with a friend. Also reminded me that we are all just human and more alike than we think. You got me going through all the emotions on this one! 💛

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i’m so happy to hear it! and yes i think millennials are a very misunderstood generation, and if i opened your eyes to a new POV, then i’m thrilled. thanks for sharing with a friend and reading Amy!!!

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I love the idea of journaling in composition notebooks! I have a lot of journals but that piece was so beautifully said in regard to the building up of traits for years. My 2nd grader got his first composition notebook this year for back to school and it brought up a lot of feelings for me!

I can think the compassionate thought but then I get mad at myself for not bouncing back into productive mode “quickly” enough. There’s definitely something to the millennial urge to stay productive and ignore the need for rest until our bodies force the issue.

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i’m so glad that part resonated! i am not surprised the composition notebook stirred feelings - it’s funny how simple objects can be so transportive sometimes 🖤 and yes the millennial urge to stay productive is very real. if you want to learn more about the history of why we’re like this i suggest getting the book “kids these days” which takes a look at why historically millennials are this hyper programmed generation obsessed with productivity - wild read

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